Sensitive, functional, and sustainable architecture based in Cleveland, Ohio.

MWA projects, while mostly residential, always value revitalization of diverse urban areas because it directs and encourages infill development back into the city center. Matthew believes in the power and ability of traditional neighborhoods to restore functional, sustainable communities. So he strives to restore the urban fabric, not by replicating old communities, but by blending old and new, borrowing the best from the past, adapting to the present, and anticipating the future.

ThornCreek Winery & Gardens

Kahn Residence

4610 Clinton Avenue

Dr. Griswold & Dr. Nachand Residence

Peters Residence

Private Residence

Halstead Residence

Zawadzki Residence

Zins Residence

Spivak Residence

Stanard School

Below Dental

Fairmount Presbyterian Church

Robertson Residence

Barbato Residence

Humphry Residence

Josey Residence

Slater Residence